Our Engagement

December 2, 2007, 10 am

I nervously walked into a job interview at a materials lab in the manufacturing industry. I was overwhelmed with the prospect of finding work in a career field I knew NOTHING about, but the design company I had been working for dissolved. I needed to find part-time work, and quick! A nice man interviewed me for the temporary office administrator position. Not knowing anything about the position or about the manufacturing industry, I figured I had little chance of being hired. But sure enough, a day later I got called. The nice man said, “Please come start work on Monday.” Nine months later, the company hired me as their permanment full-time office administrator. The nice man and I developed a friendship over the next 2 years.

November 17, 2009

The nice man asked me out on a date. The prospect of dating him completely freaked me out because we had such a great work relationship I didn’t want to mess that up. I said, “Let me think about it.”

November 19, 2009

I said yes and the nice man took me out on a date. We went to Lemongrass in Greenville, SC. It was such a nice evening. When he dropped me off after the date, he said, “Can I take you out again next week?” I melted. By this point, I was already head over heels for this nice sweet man but I tried not to let on…..at least not too much.

December 20, 2009

After yet another date of many, the sweet nice man said, “I want to marry. Not tomorrow. Probably not in six months. It will probably be a while but I want to marry you.” Once again, I melted.

The next two and a half years

The nice sweet man and I went on a lot more dates. Some of our dates included fly fishing. He tied me this little fly with a pink head. It was cute. Well as cute as a fly with a pink head can be; but regardless, I thought it was sweet. We went to a several counseling sessions and marriage classes over the next two years. After each class reaffirming why we were dating, but that we did need to take things slow.

May 20, 2012

Sunday I broke down. I had a complete pity party about how my life was in limbo because I wanted to move out of the apartment I was in, but I didn’t think it was wise since I didn’t know when I would be getting married…..And on and on it went for 45 minutes, I vented to the nice sweet man, and I hung up the phone. Then a Bible verse came to me about contentment and slowly but surely over the next two days complete peace came over me. I didn’t know how or when, but I knew everything was going to be okay.

May 22, 2012

On Tuesday, I apologized to the nice sweet man for my huge pity party and told him about the verses I had been meditating on. He just smiled really big and said he was really glad I had worked through it.

May 23, 2012

I saw the sweet nice man drive by my house which is weird because we had not planned on doing anything together that evening and he lives 25 minutes away from me. I didn’t ask for an explanation. I was trying to be content and mind my own business. Little did I know that he had just picked up the ring from the jewelers. The engagement ring he had been working on for the last two months.

May 24, 2012, 6pm

My baby brother turned 21. My family all went out to dinner for sushi to celebrate. The nice sweet man came with me to dinner. He mentioned, “Why don’t we go fly fishing after dinner out by your parents’ house?” I said sure. This was not out- of-the-ordinary. We did this sort of thing all the time.

We drove out to the pond after dinner. I was talking and talking about who knows what. He was just smiling and commenting when necessary. He pulled up next to the pond, got out and started putting my rod together for me. I continued to talk his head off about who knows what. The next thing I knew, he had pulled out his fly box, whipped it open, and said “Which fly do you want?” There in with all the other flies was a big pink fly with a gorgeous engagement ring tied to it. He got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. And then he said, ” You don’t have to wait anymore.”

Not that I speak from want; for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.

Philippians 4:11

* Update: We are planning a November 2012 wedding.

5 thoughts on “Our Engagement

  1. For someone who knew he knew wanted to marry you after one month of dating, he sure took his sweet time to get that ring on your finger, lol. Glad it all worked out, tho. My hubby proposed after 6 wks of dating, and we were married 5 mos. later. Twenty-four years and 3 kids later, the love of my life passed away in his sleep early one morning. I sure do miss him.

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